the ministries we serve
Portuguese-Speaking Pastors
PSP exists to glorify God by helping Portuguese-speaking pastors and leaders to learn about the Doctrines of Grace, to preach and teach a biblical gospel, and to plant and pastor healthy local churches. They hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Their vision is for God to use the PSP to build up His church in the Portuguese-speaking world through sound preaching and teaching, the planting and revitalization of local churches, and the training of biblically qualified men.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
Brother Bryan Mission was founded in 1940 and continues to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of economically, emotionally, and spiritually impoverished men of the Birmingham area. BBM is a 65 bed facility offering two residential ministry programs inviting the broken and weary to find new life in Jesus’ name. Grace Covenant has been serving the men of the Mission since February 2005 by teaching God’s Word every Tuesday and Friday nights, and by bringing a meal and a worship service on the second and/or fourth Sunday night each month. This ministry continues to be blessed each week as the men have grown in their love for the Lord and His Word.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
Brother Bryan
African Christian University
ACU is committed to championing common values that are hallmarks of Christian character in our given cultural context. The goal of ACU is to use a mentored approach to equip every student with the basic truths, knowledge, and abilities that allow learning and advancement of skills on both the individual and community levels. By promoting the unity and development of individuals in varying study disciplines, interdisciplinary applications and technical vocations, ACU prepares students to excel throughout and for their entire lives. Applying biblically-based discernment to studies across history, cultures and disciplines allows for flourishing of grammar, rhetoric and logic skills. Integration of effective labor and the various professions, services, and technical vocations that are most relevant to African developmental needs alongside the ability to learn through self-guided study and investigations produces servant-leaders who are able to create and implement positive undertakings in Africa.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
African Pastors’ Conferences exists to glorify God through Jesus Christ in enabling Pastors to lead Christ-exalting Biblical churches as Christ-like servant leaders through the faithful ministry of God’s word in preaching and leading Bible-studies. APC provides training for Pastors in the form of one to two day conferences. Most of these Pastors are unable to attend seminary or undergo any formal training owing to their being engaged in full-time employment in addition to their pastoring duties. It is estimated that there circa 2 million pastors on the African continent, but less than 10% have any form of sound formal training. The primary speakers at APCs are, themselves, African Pastors, often from Zambia and Kenya. This is to ensure that the delegates understand that what APC is teaching is the Christian understanding of the Bible, not just a Western understanding.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
African Pastors Conference
Alabama Baptist Children's Homes
The purpose of Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries is to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services. Their priorities are: providing homes for children, professional counseling, educational services and family assistance, and administration that maximizes resources. The result they wish to see is hope and wholeness for children and families through knowing God.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches. They believe that the biblical faith is inherently doctrinal, and they are therefore confessional in their convictions. They recognize the time-tested Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) as a faithful summary of important biblical teachings and the abstract of that confession known as the Abstract of Principles.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
Founders Ministries
Sav-A-Life's mission is: “Helping men & women embrace the Truth of God’s Word as they make life-affirming decisions about their unborn child.” And their vision is: “Every life is saved and every family is healthy in the name of Christ and to the glory of God.
Contact:  Todd Wilson
Service Times
Sunday School: 9:30 am
Sunday Worship: 11 am
Wednesday Prayer: 6:30 pm
Images from: Unsplash
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